Svetlana Forbes
Teacher, Psychologist, Coach (Master), Designer.
The author of the complex development system Soft Skills - NRSY.
Russian (Moscow, ready for move)
+79036623889 |
My pedagogical activity is aimed at developing the qualities and skills of an individual, corresponding to a harmonious, happy and effective person of the future - Systemic personality development (emotional intelligence, creativity, erudition, healthy lifestyle culture, HMF development).
Psychology and coaching, TRIZ methods, Waldorf pedagogy, the principles of the Finnish school - and other well-known technologies are used in synergy. Through the design of technology, emotional intelligence is brought up, erudition is developed, and inner balance is achieved. The patented NRSY (New Russian Synergy) system solves several problems at once with one product.
Synergy = Insight + design technology + creativity + emotion.
Pedagogical activity in the largest universities of Russia, in the best children's development center, curator of the children's design studo.
Author of more than 10 teaching aids for universities (history of advertising and design, history of art, academic drawing and painting, basics of composition and color, self-presentation, adaptation in a business environment, etc.).
Author of leisure programs for adults and children, self-development trainings, outdoor camps with a range of directions (art yoga camp, surf yoga camp, freeride yoga camp).
Psychologist-coach (child, adolescent psychology, emotional intelligence, motivation, harmony, happiness) - continuous practice since 2012. Experience in working with children with special needs.
Project manager of the Art-Up industrial design studio, creative director of Espolon Trading House, creative designer and manager of Comedy club souvenirs.
Professional yoga and meditation instructor.
  • More than 10 years of experience in advertising, design and arts.
  • 8 years of experience in the educational system.
  • Master's Degree in Moscow Institute of Psychoanalysis, Practical Psychology and Coaching.
  • Moscow Institute of Psychoanalysis, specialist psychologist- teacher.
  • Moscow Power Engineering Institute. Artist-Designer, specialty - Industrial design (product design).
  • Yoga instructor (Apnea yoga 2013)
Even if everyone gets creative, everyone remains unique.
— Svetlana Forbes
My activity in Russia
Сooperate with schools,universities, personally. Online and offline.
Most of my students are children of Russian immigrants.

  • "This is not taught in school" Universal base course 
    My main product, which is modified and adapted to customer requests. It reveals the synergy of creative thinking and psychological techniques.
  • Methodist
    Development of leisure and educational programs for the integrated development of Soft Skills.
  • Individual programs
    Working with adolescents - counseling and motivation. Career guidance and portfolios for creative professions
I am looking for
Project, seasonal or permanent cooperation with European educational and leisure institutions. Art residences and art schools are of the greatest interest.
Pedagogical goals can be different - social projects for the cultural adaptation of immigrants, exchange of experience, vacation programs, etc.
    I write about teaching, culture, curriculum in different countries and everything that helps in personal development.
    (Popular educational resource in Russia)

    Working moments

    Methodological materials
    • "This is not taught in school"

      Basic course
    • Methodological guide to the NRSY technology
    • Online course "Principles of genius of Leonardo da Vinci"

    A little about yourself outside of work
    I am an ardent lover of sports, snow and mountains, I am actively teaching and doing outdoor programs, I have a medal that I mastered 42 km - marathon, paragliding, freediving and mountaineering. She lived in Asia and Australia, where she studied world trends in education. I love traveling with my little daughter.
    Always glad to communicate with new people!
    Phone: +7 903 662 38 89
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