The hidden duality within unity
Carefully! My art provokes awakening. Symbols, associations, images - these are all the keys to yourself. Russian soul .... what do you know about the Russian soul? What do I know about her? Only that there is a little Russian in everyone, as well as any other nationality, race, religion, non-binary. Is this the essence of man?
The secret of duality (created by the brain) is in unity (souls). It is very difficult to be yourself (soul) - scary and very responsible, but this is the only way to come to love.
Why is there so much pain and suffering around? Society is divided! But the secret
is that we are all one. One does not exist without the other. Darkness is inseparable from light. My call is not to look for differences, but to find similarities, both outside and inside. And for this you need to study yourself.

Malevich said that art needs not sincerity, but truth…..of course! Finally got to me.
So I got to the bottom of my truth, pulled it out, let it get used to being in the world, but for now I will learn how to express it.
Interdisciplinary artist (performer, stage designer, director, figurative art). The basis of the author's style
is that most of the work is written a la prima, without
a sketch - in a stream, sometimes I combine it with realism and impressionism. I include folklore, body, mythology, archetypes, fairy tales, esotericism in my work. I explore feelings and relationships with the external and internal world.

.....Where is the magic? Maybe in a look? What does she want to say, or does not want, why does she still cover her mouth with a rag, and with her hand? .... Maybe it's about a pandemic-trend? Maybe about the "female question" - also relevant? Maybe just love? Or is she scared? What primitiveness .... Love. So let's leave the viewer to look for his response in the image.

Acrylic on canvas, 50x50 cm. 600 €

Performance “The secret duality”

The project is a performance, where mediums of dance and painting are used as an expressive language. Staged, theatrical and artistic show with choreographic elements.
The main idea lies in the title "The secret duality" (Secret of duality) and suggests the inseparable connection between the duet of the artist and the dancer. The author of the project and its participants explore the theme of duality in relationships with themselves, with a partner, with society, with the planet. These metaphysical battles are familiar to everyone, through their searches the performers highlight the most painful zones, each viewer will find their own egregor and be able to get rid of pain.

Globally, all the stories in this project carry the message of connecting everything to everything. About responsibility for choice and freedom to choose a reaction to external events.

The project is unique and spectacular, easy to understand, can be implemented:
Exhibition halls, club venues;
Opening of exhibition events, festivals, celebrations and corporate parties;
Role-playing, constellation trainings, art therapy, contact improvisation.

The video clip is one of the trailer of episodes in a series of performances about relationship between lovers. There are also series about relationship with ownself and the world. Detailed information and the rider can be obtained by contacting the author.

Video with animation. The format is unusual for me, the tasks are new, these are more interesting. The singer is the same Nymph, from the play the first snow. She is well acquainted with my work, style and scenographic talent. Natalia turned to me with a request to put the scenography in the video and assemble the image of a diva .... But! One pulled the other, and now I'm making a storyboard and inventing the whole story, bringing the original idea to life. Echoes of Twin Peaks in the head of the singer, who appeals to her husband for freedom in self-realization. A hot topic even today. My greed for the experiment knew no bounds, and I stepped into animation. 500 rendered pictures, I defeated myself in diligence. And now, thanks to a wonderful team, we released this.

"About the beautiful"

Choreographer Maria Soloboeva
Artist Svetlana Kudakova
Composer Iraida Yusupova
Dancers: Rozmyslova Victoria
Bernadskaya Anastasia
Kaymashnikova Anastasia
Martynova Yana
Popova Valeria
Shishigina Tatiana

The dramaturgy of the performance is built on the theme of the relativity concept of beauty, subjectivity of reference criteria.
There is also the question of how a woman looks at herself, through whose eyes she evaluates herself, and what is really valuable, and what is just packaging for a more successful sale. Does a woman want to be a commodity? Does it have to meet someone's standards? And how to live in a society where the difference between it "norms" leads to deprivation. Where the queen changes her role, becomes an outcast, and vice versa, a personality that is collapsing from the inside, according to external signs, takes off to the throne. In the performance, every element is directed to create a hyperbolic effect, from the eyes of the dancers to the only scenery on the stage and costumes. The costumes bring the girls into contact with each other, with the main character, with themselves. They are destroyed, like illusions about yourself, when you go into awareness, when you choose yourself. Instead of literal images, we resorted to associations. So the queen rightfully has a train longer and more than gold, in which her face sinks, turns it into a metal mask, into armor, which also quickly crumbles, like illusory robes, candy wrappers. But the queen is not a truffle, and under her clothes we see crutches that support her spirit.

1. All costumes are combined in one move, the queen's difference is that her train is longer and more red. This allows you to get rid of literalism and turn to abstract images, giving a little free rein to the viewer's imagination.
2. The conceived Self-destruction of the costume is realized with the help of the included interaction with each dancer. Thus, we also show that girls are exploring themselves, looking for answers to questions.
3. The staircase is also used as an avant-garde theater technique. The object, seemingly completely unsuitable, turns into a pedestal and a path and a throne at one point.

"Delhi Dance" author Ivan Vyrypaev.Ceo Vitaly Labutin.
Collaboration with contemporary theater, was invited as a production designer.
In this performance I played the role of an artist. One of the most emotionally vivid experiences in my life, but more on that in the next post, and here are a few citation.
"The Delhi dance- is a dance of happy vegetarians with a piece of raw pork in their mouth."
"Is the death of a beloved woman the death of a stranger to me?
-The death is not even a stranger to you, this is someone else's death "
"- Does happiness depend on conditions?
-What does it depend on?
- From the heart. Happiness is inside your heart. Don't you have such a feeling as if a piece of red-hot iron was pressed to your heart? "
“But if you press a piece of red-hot iron to your heart, it hurts terribly?
- Only the first few seconds, and then after this pain comes bliss and peace. And then from this peace people and cities, flowers and trees grow, the whole world grows. This world is woven from patterns of peace and beauty.“
It is very difficult to pull out the meanings from this play, you have to read it completely.

Digital opera "First snow".
Collaboration with contemporary theater, was invited as a production designer.

1."Am i plastic? Am i toxic?".
This is not just a doll that was once marketed as an adult doll. Based on the format of the family and the values ​​inculcated with the attributes of the Barbie world. More than one generation has grown up on the format of the family and the values ​​inculcated with the help of the attributes of the Barbie world. I will not go deep with trendy psychoanalytic terms, just one thing .... It's time to enter the Barbie archetype into the database.
Acrylic on cunvas, 58x44 cm. It have a two versions (pinc and grey) 600€

2."50 minutes before sunrise". Collaboration with author Irina Rozjok.
"To understand the degree of their closeness, go into a dark room 50 minutes before sunrise, when absolute silence reigns in the world".....full text in instagram.
Acrylic on cunvas, 83x88 cm. 700€

3. "Mother".
Acrylic on canvas, 50x50 cm. Order.
Seria "Russian soul".

1."Lust Life". Oil, canvas, 60x50 cm. 400€
4 years ago, I first plunged into regressive hypnosis. Well, those who are far from reincarnation- stop reading now. The beginning was not very fun, from the end of the last incarnation.... I flew off the bridge while driving a car, and I dreamed of a green Alfa Romeo in my childhood. Actually, at the age of 5, I constantly had two dreams, one of them was a green car with round headlights.
2."Russian girl". Acrylic, corrugated board, 95x115 cm. 900€

I am just a simple Russian girl,

I've got vodka in my blood.

So, I dance with brown bears,

And my soul is torn apart...

I dance with brown bears,

And my soul is torn apart...

Scetch. In sketches, I convey movement, tension and lightness, this feeling of the moment. The sketch is done without a pencil help, in the flow. There is no other like it and never will be. Size A3, Kraft, cardboard, various paper and materials. 100€ per each.
Paintings are available for purchase through the author. Delivery around the world and settlement of customs issues is carried out. On request, it is possible to arrange it in a frame. A certificate of authenticity is attached to the work.

The site is for informational purposes only.

Contact me:
Russia, Moscow
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